Mezinárodní konference 7th WORLD ENGINEERS CONVENTION 2023 se na podzim bude konat v Praze.
Doktorandi za příspěvek a jeden den na konferenci zaplatí jen 85eur…
Příspěvky z konference budou zveřejněny v
„Acta Polytechnica, indexed in databases: Web of Science (ESCI collection), Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, EBSCO, selected articles in CAS.“
Škála témat je široká, plus každé ještě obsahuje spoustu podtémat:
Key Topics
- New Solutions for Energy
- Smart Cities, Concept of Urbanization
- Engineering Approach to Environment Protection
- Engineering Education and Continuing Professional Development
- Green Transport
- Safe Digital World
- Innovative Technologies in Industry
- Engineering in Health Care
- Food and Fresh Water Supply
- Natural and Industrial Disasters Prevention
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- From the Earth to the Universe
- Young Engineers Forum
- Women in Science and Engineering