Mezinárodní konference 7th WORLD ENGINEERS CONVENTION 2023 se na podzim bude konat v Praze.

Doktorandi za příspěvek a jeden den na konferenci zaplatí jen 85eur…

Příspěvky z konference budou zveřejněny v

„Acta Polytechnica, indexed in databases: Web of Science (ESCI collection), Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, EBSCO, selected articles in CAS.“

Škála témat je široká, plus každé ještě obsahuje spoustu podtémat:

Key Topics

  1. New Solutions for Energy
  2. Smart Cities, Concept of Urbanization
  3. Engineering Approach to Environment Protection
  4. Engineering Education and Continuing Professional Development
  5. Green Transport
  6. Safe Digital World
  7. Innovative Technologies in Industry
  8. Engineering in Health Care
  9. Food and Fresh Water Supply
  10. Natural and Industrial Disasters Prevention
  11. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
  12. From the Earth to the Universe
  13. Young Engineers Forum
  14. Women in Science and Engineering